[ File # csp6446685, License # 1089129 ]
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If you have been out of work for a period of time you may find it hard to get back in to a role that you wanted. Often people have to take time out of work due to personal circumstances such as starting a family, sickness or caring for a relative. When you are ready to return to work you may find that you do not have the necessary level of education or skills to walk straight back in to a job.
Depending on your personal circumstances you may be able to return to eduction to gain a qualification that you require. This can be costly as you may not only have to find the money to pay for your course yourself but also may mean that you are out of work for a considerable amount of time whilst you train.
If you need to work immediately, then you may need to consider a different role to one that you used to do or to take something that is part time until you can find the job or gain the experience you need.