Being Innovative in Your Job Search

Innovation and persuasion aren’t merely connected because they rhyme; they are also linked because they work superbly well together, especially in a job search. The internet means that there are many different ways in which we can put ourselves forward for jobs, and actually fin jobs in general. You don’t merely have to stick to the new convention of, CV, cover letter email, and portfolio.

Many individuals have created their own website as an online CV, with pages dedicated to various aspects of their career. Brochure websites are relatively cheap and it can certainly prove to be a unique, innovative addition to a job application, possibly bringing with it a return on investment.

While it’s important to meet the job description and provide all the necessary details an employer asks for, there is always room for innovation, depending on your desired industry of course. If you’re looking to work in media, marketing, and the digital world in general, then show you’re innovative, show you’re up to date with techno logy and pip your competitors to the role you desire.

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