Employee or Self Employed?

face-63980_1280That’s the question you should ask yourself if you have applied for/taken a job described as a self employed position or have been asked by your employer to go from employee to self employed while continuing the same duties.

Some employers may call positions “self employed” in order to avoid meeting workers rights if they where employee’s. In reality, it’s the nature of the job, not its title which determines whether it’s a self employed position or not.

Are paid regularly by an employer, not per job completed? Are you instructed in the schedule and how to proceed with tasks by a supervisor rather than organising your work yourself? Does your employer provide tools and materials or must you source your own? If you cannot complete a task, who organises cover/ contractors?

All these things effect whether you are considered employed or self employed under employment legislation, and therefore affect your rights should you have any issues.

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